Thursday, September 18, 2008

Polytepal Nature Girl NOT a Fluke!

Today I got another 4x4 polytepal Nature Girl. Had another on the 15th.
Beautiful Edgings continues to amaze! It's been blooming since June- just keeps building buds, and there are two more on this scape. AND a proliferation, which I managed to pop off and put in water today.
My Flore Pleno patch on the left was sneaking into adjacent cultivars, so this is my solution: vinyl siding makes an excellent separator strip, deeper than any other edging material I know. I think it should be angled with the top farther away from the "aggressive" side, so roots hitting the barrier don't go down and under. I try to set it an inch or so above ground level, so it gets just covered by the mulch.
And this is my poor man's shade cloth, picnic umbrellas from the dollar store or the party store, I can't remember which right now. It protects new transplants and proliferations while they get roots established.

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