Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Still Moving Hostas to Pittsburgh

 Almost the final load of hostas being moved from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh- next weekend will be the final check of Philly inventory; still debating whether Krossa Regal and a couple others are worth moving.
 The "lowlands" hosta bed at Pittsburgh is in prime deer path, so it's completely covered with chicken wire.  Not pretty but absolutely necessary until the Philly house sells and we can afford a full-lot deer fence in Pittsburgh.
 The "back porch" garden is protected by the daylily garden's temporary deer fence- Melanie hates the temp fence's look, but I hate the look of deer-devoured plants more.
 The hostas dug Memorial Day are going here, in the third temp-fence protected area under Spruce trees I "limbed up." 
 Overview of the daylily garden at Pittsburgh- almost 700 clumps crammed around the pool, still not mulched.  But I bought another roll of weed fabric today, and hope to get it and mulch down in the next week or so.  Yesterday was over 90 degrees, so the weeds are growing like weeds.

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