Saturday, March 20, 2010

Favorite Late and Reblooming Daylilies

"Florida Rebloom" on this year's arrival Popcorn Pete (Petit 02) 25MRe6 Tet, and rebloom on Northern-bred Eyes on the Prize (Emmerich 2002) EMRe5.5 Tet. And I had NO TET STIPPLES blooming to pollinate them! I guess I will have to learn how to freeze pollen next year.
Apps' Rosy Returns won't ever win a beauty contest, but it's one of the half dozen best rebloomers, and it's not gold or yellow! 16EERe3.75 Dip.

Trahlyta (Childe 82) 30EMRe6.5 Dip was a contributor to many of Margo Reed's introductions, and I have seeds from crosses with a couple of violet-based stipples, the best of which I hope to cross against each other.

Jim Murphy's 2004 Margo Reed Indeed 28MLRe7.5 Dip is a great name, probably inspired by garden visitors mistaking it for one of Margo's. I wonder what it would look like crossed with Pink Stripes? Hopefully in two or three years I'll have an example. Will I get red stripes on cream, or white stripes on cream? Or something completely different? That's what's addicting about hybridizing- it's like gambling with the lotto drawing held in three years. Stay tuned!

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