Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring has Sprung in Philadelphia!

The DOG DAYS of WINTER are over! Time to get off the couch and back into the yard. Get that pre-emergent spread, get those winter weeds out of the garden, and hope March goes out like a lamb.
Problem: Southern evergreen daylilies think they're in Florida! This one's up 10 inches, and we're 5 - 6 weeks away from historic frost-free date. So it's going to get frozen back to the ground and turn to mush at least once, maybe more, taking energy and increasing the chance of rot or disease. I'll put pots over the most valuable ones during cold snaps, but I can't protect them all.
Daffodils announce the arrival of spring- these are of the "Plainole" variety; I haven't been bit by the daffodil collecting bug yet.

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