Sunday, December 05, 2010

Daylilies Under their Winter Blanket in Pittsburgh

 I got about 2/3 of my thousand or so daylilies transplanted from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh before the freezing weather, and about half (100 or so) of my hostas.  If the old house isn't sold by May, I'll get a few more.  But the pool garden is essentially filled, as are the easy places to plant hostas.  The deer fence you see has only been broken down once so far, protecting the evergreen daylilies from the giant rats' browsing.  The deer actually did more damage trampling things with their cloven hooves than eating them.  The first line of defense was covering them with $1 wire wastebaskets and launtry baskets from the Dollar Store (you can see some still in place).  Cheap temp fence is 4 foot  welded wire to give strength, topped with netting to 7 feet, held up with clothespins on clothesline.  Gotta get a good "field fence" before spring, but this works for now.
 Didn't transfer my  golden Dawn Redwood (shown here) from Philadelphia; got another delivered to the hole in Verona for $200, probably saving thousands in back surgery.   The fence posts here are to prevent deer rubbing their antlers on the trunk, which almost killed it last year.
Wife Melanie turned left in front of another car (truck turning left from opposite direction blocked both their views), disabling the primary tow vehicle in early October.   She's recovering slower than the car, which was patched together by early November.   It delayed everything, but I got all my favorites.  Furniture didn't get moved though, so we're still living like campers, with two card tables in the dining room, and the patio set furnishing the living room.  I'm leaving for Philadelphia later today to get a load of bookshelves, etc.

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