Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry White Christmas from Pittsburgh!

 I can't take credit for this- I copied it from my next door neighbor in Philadelphia.  I will reset the date on the camera before I take any more pics, I promise. 
 The Thanksgiving/Christmas Cactus peaked last week but it's great that it lasted till Christmas- there are ways to fool it into blooming later but it's too much trouble for me.
I didn't know Jade plants bloomed at all until a couple of years ago- I don't know if it's age or root crowding, or what but we've had this one at least 10 years.

By the way, my fellow stippled and striped daylily lovers should check out a new site by Loretta Zink, of Winchester, Ohio (central south Ohio). shows photos of many of her 50+ stipples and 7 stripes plus seedlings, with one new stripe, Plum Stripe, already introduced.  She's the only person I know that has Shattered, a 2006 Gayle Story stripe sold only one year before the originator stock was almost wiped out by flood then voles.  I have 16 stipples and 3 stripes, so I'm a small fish in the stipplestripe pond.  But my wife gave me "stipplestripe cash" for Christmas.

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