Monday, January 17, 2011

Dave Guleke Daylily

 Above is photo of Tim Herrington's intro "Dave Guleke" named for the President of Delaware Valley Daylily Society.  I'm just using this post to resize it for inclusion on the DVDS website because pages load faster if the browser doesn't have to resize photos on the fly.  Here you can double-click on the photo and blogger will open it at its 690x459 full size.
Tim Herrington's table at last spring's DVDS luncheon.  Tim is facing us, white shirt and glasses.  Upcoming DVDS spring luncheon is March 19, 2011, again at the Concordville Inn and speaker will be Darrel Apps!   I'll have the preliminary DVDS 2011 meeting schedule up on the club website by this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Terry! I just added Red Ribbon to my spider collection...haven't been too big a fan of spiders but they are growing on me. Hope you're all settled in your new place!
