Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Variegated Daylilies & Amaryllis

The Magnolia didn't get frosted this year, so it put on its show for almost a week before rain started the blossom drop. This tree is over 50 years old.
If I could find a daylily that looked like this, I'd pay a hundred bucks for it. Pink Stripes is the closest I know.
Anybody seen this variegation pattern in a daylily before? It's split at just about the fold (midpoint). Do I have something special?
Another Amaryllis I love; Name unknown.
Dimwit cloven-hooved giant rats got most of my front yard daylilies in mid-March before I got them sprayed. I just applied the second round of Liquid Fence (rotten eggs) today. We need geneticists to splice into daylilies the daffodil gene that makes them inedible.

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