Saturday, August 12, 2006


Garden State Daylily News!

For those who have been wondering how you will be able to get Betty Harwood's new introductions now that she has "retired" to the big apple, she tells me she has made an arrangement with Melanie Mason to sell some of her cultivars that are not available elsewhere. Melanie's site has not been updated yet to reflect the additions, but keep watch. Probably a majority of my late-blooming daylilies are from either Betty or Darryl Apps' so this is good news. The attached photo is most of my August 11 blooming cultivars; top to bottom, left to right they are: Tuscawilla Tigress, Point of View, You Are My Sunshine, Lady Neva, (2nd Row) Dragon's Eye, Big Time Happy, (3rd Row) Apricot Sparkles, Metaphor, Happy Returns, Scatterbrain, (Bottom Row) Moonlit Masquerade, Thunder Patch, Just Plum Happy, and Fox Ears.

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