Tuesday, August 12, 2008


August 11 Daylilies

Last Spell Fire today- it's a bit out of focus, I think, but then so am I sometimes.
This is the last time this year I can wax ecstatic about Party Pinafore, but it's one of my prize cultivars. No, I won't trade any of it- find your own at these Eureka nurseries: Moon's (I highly recommend Bruce), Eller's, Knob Hill, and Brown's Ferry (Charles Douglas- also ordered and very happy with results) are $20df. Newbury ($19df) is in Illinois, for those who prefer ordering from more northern gardens.
Last Pirate Beads. No Eureka sources on this, but worth looking for.
NOT the last of Don Herr's Whistle a Happy Tune, but it still looked good after a drench.
Finally, Just Plum Happy has returned for rebloom season. This was the first eyed "Happy Ever Appster" and it tends to rebloom down in the foliage, but at least it's blooming! Rosy Returns is also blooming, but it's my least favorite of the series- also reblooms low. Stella is reblooming, but Happy Returns is still in it's summer nap here in Philadelphia.

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