Friday, May 28, 2010


3 Eyed Yellow Early Daylilies

Another photo of Siloam Button Box, registered as 20EM4.5, but definitely EE for me this year.
Pat Garrity (Stamile 02) IS registered EE with rebloom. I remember this blooming late June / early July so that's probably its rebloom time. Registered 25 tall, 5 dia.- I like the lipstick eye with a bit of bleeding.

And my magical mystery; Betty Harwood, John Shooter and at least one other source I've identified (in Canada) bought this from Elizabeth Salter as "Echos in the Mist," probably before she (mis)registered the name as lavender. A couple of other sellers use the same name for a different cultivar, but it doesn't match the registration either (has an eye). If you like mine, it's still available on Shooters' site. Unfortunately, since it doesn't match the registration, I can't enter it in a flower show. But it's early, reblooms like crazy, has great bud count. Gets a bit dimpled in hot afternoon sun, but that's its biggest fault besides the name thing. I now call mine "Echos India Mist".


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